Want me to Review A Product?

For reviews, I ask that the product
maker/owner, send me a product to review, and keep the giveaway product,
until the winner is announced. I ask that the product maker/owner, ship the
giveaway product to the winner. That keeps it so there are no questions or
concerns about if I really gave it away. All I need is a picture of the giveaway
product, and any info about  yourself that you would like me to include in the
review/giveaway post.

I will be completely honest in my review.  I
will only post a negative review with  your permission. I will contact you with
my problems should I have any before proceeding so that we can trouble shoot
together, and see if we can fix the problem first.

I have 2 kids. I have a 4 year old boy and a arriving-any-day little girl.

So there are many items that I can honestly review for your company.
When I do a review/giveaway your items, it will get us both
more followers and you more business. I mostly want to do reviews/giveaways to
help SAHM’s etc. get more business. Plus I get to try out cool new stuff. And
tell people about it, which I really LOVE to do! My plan is to not just do a
single review, and never go back to the product, but to use it and continually
update on my blog how the product is holding up to normal wear and tear, and
kids.. so your product won’t be reviewed  just once, but several times(with
pictures). As I get more followers, they will see your product several times,
not just the one review blog. So that will continually get you more customers.
They will see that 6 months or a year down the road, that product is still
holding up, which will show them that it’s worth their money. I plan on
re-reviewing every product I review at least once a month..

My goal is
to help other stay at home mom’s and small companies succeed, and for other
SAHM’s to be able to continue to stay at home. Plus I will be contributing to my
household with fun new products, that we normally would not be able to get. So I
can stay at home too. And I can pass on the information about the products I try
out and love to my friends and family, which helps them out too, and will again
get more customers for the companies I review.

When I post the giveaway,
part of the requirement of entering is to go like your company FB page and/or
blog, so everyone that enters the giveaway  will have to visit your pages. And
see something they have to have. A lot of people will not want to wait the week or two
to see if they win and will order from you immediately. Thus bringing you more
business. And more followers.

If interested please email me at fromthreetofour@gmail.com 🙂

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